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Selectmen's Minutes - February 6, 1993
February 6, 1993

Emergency meeting called.  Present:  James Haggerty, Joseph Frisoli, Judith Murdoch, (Robert Andrews arrived after the Board adjourned).  Finance Committee contacted and will take a vote on Tuesday evening.  

Mr. Haggerty read letter submitted by Highway Surveyor, Richard Harris requesting the Board to declare a "snow emergency" under Chapter 44, Section 31D.  The snow emergency is needed for future sanding and plowing as well as to restock sand and salt for the Highway Dept.  

Motion to approve by Judith Murdoch, 2nd for discussion by Frisoli.  Board had some discussion with the Highway Surveyor concerning snow plowing policies, examples of sanding and salting, etc.  Mr. Frisoli specifically gave an example that had been called to his attention concerning a driver that plowed the same area several times, just back and forth.  Mr. Harris explained to the Board that it has always been the Town's policy to get the roads cleaned as quickly and as well as possible.  That what we spend in this area, we generally save in law suits against the Town.  He also explained that over the past ten years, the snow and ice account has decreased rather than increased.  The Board voted 3-0 to approve the motion. (Andrews had not as yet arrived.)  Board voted on motion by Murdoch, 2nd Frisoli, 3-0 to adjourn.